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# Title Year Developer Genre Platform
1 Streets of Rage 3 1994 Sega Beat 'em up Mega Drive, Genesis
2 God of War III 2010 SCE Santa Monica Studio Wholesale Algorithms Action Beat 'em up PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4
Warriors franchise 1997 – 2015 Omega Force Beat 'em up Various (PlayStation)
3 Dynasty Warriors
4 Dynasty Warriors 2
5 Dynasty Warriors 3
6 Dynasty Warriors 4
7 Dynasty Warriors 5
8 Warriors Orochi
9 Dynasty Warriors 6
10 Warriors Orochi 2
11 Dynasty Warriors 7
12 Warriors Orochi 3
13 Dynasty Warriors 8
14 The Simpsons Arcade Game 1991 Konami Novotrade Beat 'em up Arcade, Commodore 64, DOS, Xbox Live Arcade, PlayStation Network
15 Vendetta 1991 Konami Beat 'em up Arcade
16 EXTREME MEATPUNKS FOREVER 2017 Heather Flowers Beat 'em up Visual novel PC
17 Strange Flesh 2017 Greatest Bear Games Beat 'em up PC (free)
Buffy the Vampire Slayer 2000 - 2003 GameBrains Eurocom Horror Beat 'em up Game Boy Color, Xbox, PlayStation 2, GameCube
18 Buffy the Vampire Slayer
19 Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Chaos Bleeds
20 God Hand 2006 Clover Studio Beat 'em up PlayStation 2
Devil May Cry series 2001 – 2015 Capcom Ninja Theory Action Beat 'em up Various (PlayStation)
21 Devil May Cry
22 Devil May Cry 2
23 Devil May Cry 3
24 Devil May Cry 4
25 DmC
26 Dead Rising 2 2010 Capcom Horror Beat 'em up PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3
27 Zeno Clash 2009 ACE Team Beat 'em up Shooter PC