Spreadsheet Layout
Filtering on developer: Sports Interactive.
Clear filterThere are many ways to use the spreadsheet database. Here are some suggestions:
Hover over each cell in the spreadsheet to see all of the information it contains.
Sort the spreadsheet columns by ascending or descending order by selecting the headings.
Filter the visible columns using the checkboxes at the top of the page. The default table includes columns for Title, Year, Developer, Publisher, Genre, and Platform/s, but these can be hidden and there are more options available.
Filter by any genre, developer, publisher, type of representation, etc. by clicking it within the spreadsheet. (If you can't find the label that you're looking for, try using Ctrl-F / Cmd-F.)
Discover interesting patterns, such as how many games with queer content have been released so far this year, or how many have been released by a particular developer.
Marvel at the pretty data.
A word about categories:
The following categories have been used to sort protagonists / player characters, NPCs, and other references:
Asexual / aromantic, Bisexual / plurisexual, Cross-dressing, Gay, Intersex, Lesbian, Nonbinary / non-conforming, Playersexual, Polyamory, Trans man, Trans woman, Other
We'd like to make some acknowledgements regarding these:
- Combining 'Asexual' and 'Aromantic' isn't ideal. Unfortunately, the games we are categorising often conflate these identities, which makes it hard for us to separate them when categorising. We will happily separate these two representations as soon as the games we are categorising are also making clearer distinctions.
- Using a 'Bisexual / plurisexual' label doesn't explicitly name a number of other multiple-gender attracted identities, but it's hard to create shorthand for labels like these. We see you pansexuals, omnisexuals, queer folks, and other non-monosexual folks, and we love you.
- Our 'Nonbinary / non-conforming' label unfortunately isn't full of perfect representations of nonbinary folks. Other identities are included in there—like genderqueer and genderfluid—as are other gender ambiguous but-not-explicitly-nonbinary representations. We are considering how we might be able to make more distinctions between these categories in future.
There are many ways to use the visual database. Here are some suggestions:
Browse all games: You can browse all games in our database on a single page or in a paginated view.
Categories: You can explore games that represent queer themes in our key categories of ‘sexuality’, ‘gender’, and ‘relationships’.
Search: You can use our search function to look for a particular game, representation, genre, developer, or any other keyword that interests you.
Randomise: You can use our randomise function to find out more about a random game in our database.