Cyber Protection: Looking after your Online Safety

Working in an area like diversity, representation, and inclusion—or even simply identifying as a marginalised person—when existing in online spaces can sadly result in an increase in harassment and abuse online. Although this is absolutely the fault of harassers and not victims, there are still several simple ways that targets and potential targets can protect themselves from digital attacks.
The DIY Guide to Feminist Cybersecurity is a must-read guide that includes simple and detailed solutions to cyber security, depending on your needs. This guide includes links to some of the best internet browser extensions that can make the work of security easier for you. It also offers basic advice for how to secure your accounts, including how to improve your password strength and tracking.
Speak Up & Stay Safe(r) is an online security guide made by Feminist Frequency and specifically designed for people experiencing online risk in the games industry. It helps with password protection, two-step verification on accounts, protecting yourself from doxxing, and more.
Other useful guides that fill in the gaps include Security in a Box and Surveillance Self-Defense.
And if you are getting harassed on Twitter, don't forget to use tools like 'Twitter One-Click Block' and 'Twitter Block Chain' to make your Twitter experience much more enjoyable.