
Game title with a tree replacing the t and surrounded by character cards. These cards depict a femme appearing character with a parasol, a masc appearing character with a moustache, a femme appearing character with a head wrap, a masc appearing characters with feathers in his hair, a femme appearing character with a crown, a femme appearing character in a vest, and a femme appearing character with a veil.
  • Developer: Eric M Lang
  • Publisher: Calliope Games
  • Year: 2017
  • Genre: Board game Tabletop
  • Platform/s: Physical game

Ancestree allows players to create a family tree. Each tile represents an individual and are linked by leaves (parent-child) and hearts (marriage/liason). The rules specify that any tiles can be linked, as long as they are connected by leaves or hearts, meaning same-gender relationships and parenthoods are possible, and polyamorous relationships can also be formed.