Dungeons and Dragons
- Developer: Wizards of the Coast
- Publisher: Wizards of the Coast
- Year: 1974 – 2017
- Genre: Tabletop
- Platform/s: Physical game
Dungeons and Dragons has modified how it refers to gender and sexuality as of its 5th edition. Although it often still refers to 'male and female' and 'he or she' in the source books, there is a section regarding character creation that says: 'You could also play as a female character who presents herself as a man, a man who feels trapped in a female body, or a bearded female dwarf who hates being mistaken for a male. Likewise, your character’s sexual orientation is for you to decide.' Jeremy Crawford—the game's lead developer—has been quoted as saying that he 'wasn't about to have this book [the Player's Handbook] go out and not acknowledge that people like [him] exist'.
Although the original Temple of Elemental Evil (1985) did not feature any queer characters, the sequel (2001) features an implied closest gay couple: Rufus and Burne.
Curse of Strahd is an adventure for Dungeons and Dragons, which features several queer characters, some more confirmed than others. In particular, there are Sir Vladimir and Sir Godfrey, who are said to have been lovers when still alive.
Every D&D adventure since Curse of Strahd has included at least one queer character, with the hope that at least weaving same-gender characters into the universe's stories will help players feel that diversity is a natural part of the worlds exploring in D&D campaigns.
Storm King's Thunder features several canon queer characters including a wheat farmer named Thelbin Osstra, his husband Brynn, and their adopted nephew Broland.