Final Fantasy series

- Developer: Square Enix
- Publisher: Square Square Enix
- Year: 1987 – 2015
- Genre: RPG
- Platform/s: Various
The Final Fantasy series includes several instances of interesting representation, and is particularly known for its strong representation of women.
In Final Fantasy V, Faris was raised as a man by pirates, leading to her becoming defensive about her gender and occasionally referring to herself as either masculine or feminine throughout the game. She hid her femininity to become a pirate captain, and this femininity is revealed throughout the game as a narrative point.
Final Fantasy VII features an option for Cloud to go on a date with Barret, rather than the other candidates (Tifa, Aerith, and Yufie) depending on the number of 'points' the player has acquired through the game. However, this date is different to the other dates in the game, with no romantic events occurring: the pair do not visit the theatre as Cloud does with the other three candidates, and Barret does not enjoy the ride on the gondola. Barret expresses anger that he is with Cloud, rather than spending time with his daughter, and chastises Cloud for not dating one of the three girls instead.
Also in this title, when Cloud does attend the stage play at the theatre he is given the option of ruining the show. Generally he would kiss the princess, which kills the Evil Dragon King, but Cloud also has two other options: he can kiss the King, which also kills the Evil Dragon King, or he can kiss the Evil Dragon King, who is transformed into a girl.
Quina Quen in Final Fantasy IX is a genderless 'qu' who generally has the pronouns "s/he" assigned to them; however, only masculine possessive (his) and demonstrative (him) pronouns are used. Interestingly, although generally he/him pronouns are used in Spanish to refer to a person whose gender is unknown, Quina is referred to as 'she' in the Spanish version of the game. In the German version, Quina is referred to as 'he', but is 'she' in the French and Italian versions.
Final Fantasy Tactics A2: Grimoire of the Rift features an incident between a party member and a Night Dancer, both of whom are women.
Final Fantasy XIII implies that there is a same-gender relationship between Fang and Vanille.
Final Fantasy XIV features an 'Eternal Bond' system, where players can get married in-game in a ceremony involving cutscenes and invitations to other players. This ceremony allows players to have rings that teleport them to one another's locations, or allow them to share a mount. The gender and the species of the two players getting married is irrelevant.