Ladykiller in a Bind

- Developer: Love Conquers All Games
- Publisher: Love Conquers All Games
- Year: 2016
- Genre: Visual novel
- Platform/s: PC
When asked about the representation of relationships in games, Christine Love (of Analogue: A Hate Story fame) talked about how poorly sex is represented. Games traditionally represent sex as quite an awkward, 'unsexy' thing (although there are definitely exceptions to this rule) and often discussions of sex are shied away from or treated as though they are taboo. The purpose of Ladykiller in a Bind (also known as My Twin Brother Made Me Crossdress As Him And Now I Have To Deal With A Geeky Stalker And A Domme Beauty Who Want Me In A Bind) is to represent sex positively and not as a trophy at the end of a relationship, but rather as something that can be a component within the ongoing development of some relationships. The game prioritises consent and shows that it can be 'sexy', while also adjusting typical relationship management systems so that attempting to choose the 'right' option to secure a relationship doesn't always work in your favour. Ladykiller in a Bind also features diverse gender presentation and allows you to inhabit varied sexualities in the relationships you form.