The Icecream Parlour

Text reads 'Welcome to my icecream parlour. This is where your story begins. And yet, it is not your story. It is the story of many, and the story of no one, and the story of somebody else, whose perspective matters just as much as your own. Take a look around. There are seats across the window and booths along the walls. But before you find somewhere to relax, perhaps you would like to buy a refreshing scoop of icecream. This is an icecream parlour, after all.'.
  • Developer: Alayna Cole
  • Publisher: Alayna Cole
  • Year: 2015
  • Genre: Interactive fiction
  • Platform/s: PC (free)

Disclaimer: This game was developed by a member of the Represent Me team.

The Icecream Parlour is a short, satirical interactive narrative that uses icecream preferences as a metaphor for sexuality. It is designed to make people's issues with other people's sexualities seem as absurd as having an issue with their favourite icecream flavour.